Hey There!

I'm Dijha Allen

I'm thrilled you've found your way here. Just like you, I'm a busy career woman navigating the demands of life. Taking care of ourselves can feel like a challenge, but I'm here to help you make it a priority.

If you're looking to alleviate stress and enhance your well-being holistically, you're in the right place. I understand the time constraints, but trust me, even a small commitment to self-care can make a significant impact.

Feel free to look around and get cozy! I'm on a mission to support you in upgrading your wellness routine with practical, achievable steps. Start by grabbing the FREE RESOURCE below—simple tips that can elevate your self-care routine starting today.

Ready to prioritize yourself? Click the link below to get your FREE RESOURCE now! You deserve to feel your best.


Create Your Self-Care Routine  

A 5 Day Challenge

Hey There!

I'm Dijha Allen

Hey There!

I'm Dijha Allen

I'm thrilled you've found your way here. Just like you, I'm a busy career woman navigating the demands of life. Taking care of ourselves can feel like a challenge, but I'm here to help you prioritize it without feeling overwhelmed.

If you want to alleviate stress and enhance your well-being holistically, you're in the right place. I understand the time constraints, but trust me, even a small commitment to self-care can make a significant impact.

Feel free to look around and get cozy! I'm on a mission to support you in upgrading your wellness routine with practical, achievable steps.


Ready to prioritize yourself?

 Get started now with simple tips that can elevate your self-care routine.

Click the link below to get your FREE Self-Care Workbook and sign up for my 5-Day Self-Care Challenge now! You deserve to feel your best.

Create Your Self-Care Routine

A Five Day Challenge

Prioritize your well-being, create habits that effortlessly become second nature, and revel in the pleasures of a healthy and vibrant lifestyle.

Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted, burnt out, and unfulfilled? Do you feel like you don’t have time to take care of yourself?

I love teaching women the importance of caring for your body and help you implement practical and effective self-care strategies into your daily life.

Caring for yourself, holistically, is an integral part of living a healthier, happier, more fulfilled life.

If this sounds like you, and you're ready to start taking control of your health and wellness, you are in the right place!

Hello! My name Dijha.


I’m Dijha Allen, Ed.M., a Certified Health Coach, mom, wife, career woman, entrepreneur, and educator who is passionate about helping busy professional women and moms achieve their wellness goals, simply and sustainably.

I create digital courses and group coaching programs that focus on educating and empowering you to reclaim your health, reduce stress, and feel your best. Through my content and programs, you’ll learn healthy habits and lifestyle changes and gain a deeper understanding of how a lack of holistic self-care can affect your body and mind.

As a busy mom myself, I know how hard it can be to find balance and prioritize your own needs. I help women see that there is hope, there are solutions, and you can achieve your goals while feeling your best!

My headshot _fav 1

Caring for yourself, holistically is not a luxury; it's a necessity. 

My coaching and courses goes beyond basic self-care practices and overwhelming wellness plans. I take a
different approach, focusing on educating and encouraging my clients with simple yet effective and attainable strategies to help them feel their best.

I’ll walk with you every step of your journey, working towards healing one healthy habit at a time. I help you create, keep, and reach your health goals.

I am your cheerleader, advocate, accountability partner, and guide on this journey.

I help women go from where they are to where they want and deserve to be.


"Dijha Allen aka "Coach" is that in every since of the word! I coined the following acronym for her based on my personal experience with her, as she assisted me with C.anceling O.pposing A.ctions C.ompromising H.ealth...my health, the good health that I and those who love me deserve. I am so very grateful for who and how Dijha is. She empowers without overpowering.

At the beginning of this year, I was on a journey to lose weight, for personal and medical reasons, with Dijha's support, encouragement and knowledge I am happy to report I am now down 15.6lbs! She is responsive, articulate, in tune and in love with what she does and it shows up in her work. Her presence, in person or virtual, exudes an energy that not only gives a sense of hope, but it ignites and inspires an "I Can Do This" in you!" - April Lov

"Dijha encouraged, coached and showed me ways I could change my habits not just with eating but overall mindset to achieve my goals. My experience was very positive, Dijha was motivating; I was able to set goals that are realistic and attainable. My health has been impacted for the better. I'm exercising and little by little changing my eating and sleeping habits. My mindset has changed, I'm more optimistic and see and speak to myself positively. Dijha is easy to talk with, encouraging and allowed me to set goals and kept me accountable at each meeting and by following up with details of what we discussed." - Tanya Allen

Work With Me

Spring 5-Day Detox Program (Enrollment Currently Open)

Are you ready to embrace the beauty and energy of spring?

The season of blooming flowers, chirping birds, and rejuvenation is upon us, and it's the perfect time to embark on a transformative journey towards health and vitality. Say goodbye to winter blues and hello to a fresh start with the Spring 5-Day Detox Program!


Thrive 360: Your All-in-One Journey to Wellness (Enrollment Currently Closed)

This 30-day transformational course is a holistic program designed to be an enriching journey that enhances your overall well-being.

It will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of sound dietary principles to nourish your body wisely.

You'll also discover enjoyable ways to engage in physical activities that are meaningful and beneficial for your health.



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To help you feel happy, healthy, and in control of your health again.

Create Your Self-Care Routine A 5 Day Challenge

Sign up now for the 5-Day Challenge!
